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head uut aastat


I wish you a Happy New 2013. It will be a good year, as good as we will make it. I look out of my window and it is still dark outside in the morning of January 1st. None of us remember it raining on New Years Eve in Tallinn, but that is what happened. All the beautiful snow has melted into dirty piles of slush lining the streets and ice covering the sidewalks. We had a 1930s costume party in my 1930s appartment on the New Years Eve, we all looked so beautiful and dignified. All guests brought traditional Estonian food: appetisers - rosolje, Baltic Herring with onions, boiled eggs and sour cream, beet salad; main course - roast pork, sauercraut, roast potatoes. Pic: view of Tallinn, year unknown, bought it in New York Estonian House for $2.
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